Cybersecurity is one of the largest threats an organization will face when it comes to the safety of their data. IBM recently sponsored the 11th Annual Cost of Data Breach Study conducted by the Ponemon Institute. In their research they've found the average consolidated overall cost of a cybersecurity breach has risen to $4 million. No matter the size of your organization this is a hefty price and if you're in a strict compliance industry the cost will be even higher. We've complied 4 simple and inexpensive cybersecurity tips to help prevent organizations from facing a devastating data and financial loss.
Use Strong Passwords
Passwords should be at least 12 characters long, and include numbers, symbols and capital letters while avoiding common patterns. Never reuse a password or keep passwords written down and accessible to those around. Frequently changing passwords on a regular 90 day basis is a simple and inexpensive way to eliminate vulnerabilities.
Keep Your Inbox Safe
Cybersecurity breaches frequently originate through email. Enable your anti-virus’ email scanning to block malicious email attempts. Never trust attachments, disable automatic previews and never respond to unknown email requests for personal or company account information. Before sending an email always ensure that you are sending it to the right person. Accidentally sending classified information to the wrong person can end up costing the company money and possibly your job.
Keep Devices Secure
It is important to audit who has access to what information within your organization. Add credential reviews to your Human Resources process and verify all third part access and security. Require all employees to lock their computers when away and keep all mobile devices on them. Have employees apply encryption to all of their devices. Keep your patches current by enabling ‘Auto Update’ across devices and common 3rd party add-ons that are common malware infection vectors.
Keep Security A Priority
Enable a simple plan for employees to follow if they encounter a potential security risks. This will greatly shorten time between a breach and a resolution. Cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility within an organization. Take steps to proactively plan for problems.
With cyber-attacks being so highly prevalent, organizations must take precautions to protect their vital information. Incorporating these simple tips into your security protocol is an inexpensive way to protect your business.