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Cloud computing has transformed the way businesses run their IT enterprise. The once niche solution has now become a standard among many organizations. This innovative solution is allowing companies to move all or part of their resources to the cloud, however, leaders still have to decide which cloud services and which type of cloud is best for their company. 

With Cloud computing there three different cloud types, public, private, or hybrid. Each solution has it’s own advantages and disadvantages so it is best to understand the differences between the three options and then decide for yourself which best fits your businesses needs.

  Public Cloud
Public cloud solutions offer businesses shared access to basic computer infrastructures, which are provided by a Cloud Solutions Provider (CSP). In a public cloud, a company shares the CSP’s infrastructure with the other companies who have also subscribed to your provider's cloud. With this options, the payment method is usually pay-as-you-go.

Public clouds are massive hardware builds that are distributed in locations throughout the country, or even globally. Their size is what enables the flexibility and scalability to meet the demanding requirements a company needs whether they expand or contract. This flexibility is able to meet the surges of demand in real time and has a proven reliability when it comes to hardware failures.

Advantages of public clouds:
•    Lower costs— This solution can be highly cost-effective because it allows a business to only pay for the computer resources it uses. Addiontially, a business has access to infrastructures without having to purchase, install, or maintain them.
•    No maintenance—You no longer have to worry about maintaining equipment—not to mention, goodbye server room.
•    Scalability—This is an on-demand resource and is scaled to meet your business needs.
•    Reliability—A vast network of servers ensures against failure.

There are also disadvantages to public clouds. The main disadvantage is privacy. For companies that have to meet regulatory compliance, a public cloud cannot meet the requirements because it is a shared infrastructure. Another concern surrounding the public cloud, for U.S business owners, is the popularity of CSP’s outsourcing their data centers outside of the United States.

  Private Cloud
A private cloud solution offers businesses access to infrastructure in the cloud not shared with anyone else. Typically, a business will deploy their own software applications and platform on their cloud infrastructure. The infrastructure is behind a firewall that can be accessed through a companies intranet over encrypted connections. Businesses usually pay based on a fee-per-unit-time model.

Advantages of Private Cloud:
•    Security— The private cloud has enhanced levels of security and privacy because the computer infrastructure is dedicated to a single client. HIPAA, PCI, and Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) compliance are possible with a private cloud.
•    Scalability and flexiblitity—Private cloud offers the same scalability and flexible of a public cloud.
•    Customizable- Private cloud CSPs are more likely to customize the cloud to meet a company’s needs.

Disadvantages of a private cloud, for some companies, is that the company is responsible for managing their own platforms and software applications. While some find the level of control an advantage, there are some that see it as added expense which requires an increase in hired staff. In addition, private cloud solutions tend to be more expensive and some of the time a company is limited to using the infrastructure specified in their contract.

  Hybrid Cloud
If not private or public then what? A hybrid cloud divides a public and private cloud infrastructure allowing for sensitive data to stay within a private cloud, where high-security standards can be maintained and the rest of their non-sensitive data to be placed on the public cloud.

Advantage of Hybrid Cloud:
Hybrid clouds are well suited to carrying out big data operations on non-sensitive data in the public cloud while keeping sensitive data protected in the private cloud. Hybrid clouds also give companies the option of running their public-facing applications or their capacity intensive development platforms in the public portion of the cloud while their sensitive data remains protected.
•    Control—It allows an organization to maintain a private infrastructure for sensitive assets and a public for carrying out big data operations.
•    Flexibility—you can take advantage of both public and private cloud resources when you need them.
•    Cost-effectiveness—because a Hybrid cloud solution provides the ability to scale to the public cloud, it cuts cost by only paying for the extra computing power when it is needed.
•    Migration—The transition to the cloud can sometimes be overwhelming, but with this solution, businesses are able to migrate gradually and phase their workloads in over time.

No longer is the cloud an either-or solution. With the Hybrid Cloud, there is a third option. The disadvantages of both Private and Public clouds are mitigated with this ‘customizable’ solution; Which is why it has become so widely popular. A company can utilize a Hybrid solution in their own way, fitting their specific needs which is why it is rapidly becoming the most popular cloud posture.  

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