Last week, CRN reported that a widespread outage hit the Apple Cloud, bringing down some of the tech giant's widely-used retail and backup services. Clients of Apple reported that the outage hindered their ability to provide Apple-based devices and services to their customers for a period of time, with one customer even comparing the service disruption to the string of events that eventually led to decline of BlackBerry.
At Crossroads Technologies, our clients have gained a deep rooted trust in us over the years because we have a proven track record, profound technological expertise and innovative solutions. Our ability to deliver results quickly and efficiently are just some of the reasons why our clients build long-term relationships and why we become part of their enduring business plans.
These relationships are the driving force of our success, so we ensure that clients are gaining every possible benefit to safeguard their happiness. We base each and every contract on 100% accountability. We leave absolutely nothing to question, and we take on every ounce of responsibility possible.
We are that confident in our technology and our people. We'll make sure that you never get caught in a situation where you can't deliver your products or services because of your cloud. We back it up, 100% guaranteed.