The amount of data produced by your business and customers has increased dramatically. Operational expenses that come with hosting data onsite has grown to accommodate information growth. Cloud storage offers a fluid and cost effective data storage option for businesses.
By using the cloud you gain the ability to archive, backup, and restore your data at any time. Businesses make the move to the cloud for many reasons. The benefits of adopting cloud storage include:
Increased Accessibility
Wherever there is an internet connection, your data can be accessed. Cloud storage enables your employees to work from any location. No matter the circumstances or location your data is available to you. This accessibility increases the reliability of your business functions.
Reduced Operational Expenses
Servers are expensive to maintain. By using a cloud storage provider you can decrease your expenses. Outsourcing data storage allows your employees to focus on revenue building initiatives.
Data Transport
The cloud allows for easy movement of data. Because it is cloud based, the fear of data loss is minimized. Whether moving to a different office, or a different state, data is accessible at all times.
Downtime Prevention
Onsite hosting leaves you susceptible to natural disasters or employee mistakes. These incidents could cause significant amounts of downtime for your essential business data. A good cloud storage provider will provide services to mitigate downtime. Crossroads is one of the few providers that offers cloud with a 100% Service Level Agreement. If your data is not accessible, you are not footing the bill. With the best cloud providers you save money and enjoy predictable accessibility to your data.
With the growing threat of cyberattacks today, it is important to ensure that your data is secure. A few cloud storage providers offer data security teams who ensure the safety of your data. You no longer have to wonder if you are open to a breach, your cloud provider often offers enterprise level security plans that protect your business.
These five benefits of cloud storage have greatly impacted business’ success, allowing many to scale to enterprise proportions. Cloud storage is the future of business, have you taken advantage of its benefits?
Crossroads offers a customized cloud solution depending upon your organizational needs. Our expert team manages the infrastructure, security, and scalability of your cloud.