An Enterprise Leader in the Delivery of Strategic Technology Solutions

Microsoft Dynamics has taken over automating many technological tasks, allowing your HR team to make clearer decisions and focus on key projects to your business.

Your HRIS software should handle recruitment, employee self-service, workflow, checklists, performance reviews, and reports and analytics seamlessly with your current enterprise application suite.

Using a Microsoft solution for your HRIS software is a great option, as it is easily integrated with your current applications and is effortlessly navigated, as it is a core Microsoft product. Dynamics, the Microsoft HRIS software, is a great solution for your business. This recently updated software has new functionalities that truly make it match up to the competition like never before.

From automated publishing of job advertisements to creating job profiles, this Dynamics solution is extremely helpful for your HR team. Recruiting channel evaluation, job portal integration, website integration, and onboarding processes are just some of the tools that are supplied through this easy to navigate software solution.

Staff Administration
Routine tasks are delegated to this software solution, such as organization of digital employee files, vacation and absences, reminders of important deadlines, and disciplinary measures. These vital functions for staff administration are easy to access and also available for employees to check using the self-service portal.

Quickly access your employee information from this file hub and get access to contact details, employment contracts, leaves and absences, and data according to the individual’s department.

Talent Management
Performance reviews, target agreements, and organization training are scheduled, organized, and developed using the core functionalities of this HRIS solution.

The goals agreed upon during your performance reviews are automatically added to the employee’s digital file for future quick access. Commitments are also seamlessly integrated with the employee self-service portal as a motivator for future growth.

Advanced Technology
Allow your employees to manage their absent days, activities, travel expenses, and receipts with their self-service login. The seamless integration of a companywide calendar is another great feature that can ease the logistics process. A time tracking solution for logging hours is an additional technical solution that has six different options to cover various situations.

Fast onboarding time is the best feature of this solution. You can manage your entire HRIS system through Microsoft Outlook, from anywhere.

Implementing this software solution for your business can be challenging, especially to ensure full integration across all of your current enterprise applications. Let Crossroads implement, host, and support this HRIS so that you can focus on your core business functions, today.